A green landscape with a cloud over it (symbolizing green cloud plattforms).

The 5 most popular green cloud computing platforms and their carbon footprint: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud

Cloud computing has gained a great deal of importance in recent years and it is impossible to imagine the IT industry without it. The advantages of cloud computing are numerous, as described in our last article on this topic: It enables companies to make their IT infrastructure more flexible, reduce costs and increase scalability. However, cloud computing also poses environmental challenges, as it can lead to significant CO2 emissions. Given the increasing importance of sustainability in the IT industry, it is important to understand the environmental impact of cloud computing and take steps to reduce the carbon footprint of cloud infrastructures. Especially for software companies that build their products and services on cloud technologies, it is crucial to be aware of the environmental impact of cloud computing and find sustainable solutions. We present the five most important cloud computing platforms.

CO2 footprint of cloud computing

To begin with, cloud computing is based on the use of data centers, which require large amounts of energy to run the servers, storage and network devices. This energy is usually derived from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas or oil. This results in the release of greenhouse gases. In fact, data centers and their associated infrastructures, including cloud computing, contribute to a significant portion of global CO2 emissions.

The carbon footprint of cloud computing platforms depends on several factors. Among them are the energy efficiency of the data centers, the location of the data centers, the type of energy supply and the type of hardware used. In terms of energy efficiency, there are significant differences between data centers and cloud infrastructures. Some companies have made efforts to improve the energy efficiency of their data centers through the use of renewable energy, advanced cooling technologies and other measures. While other companies lag behind and waste energy.

Another important factor is the location of data centers. Data centers that operate in regions with a high concentration of renewable energy, such as hydroelectric or solar power, tend to have a smaller carbon footprint than those that operate in regions with a high reliance on fossil fuels.

In addition, the type of energy supply can have a significant impact on the carbon footprint of cloud infrastructures. Data centers powered by renewable energy sources such as solar, wind or hydro generally have a lower carbon footprint than those powered by fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas.

Compared to other IT infrastructures such as local servers or desktop PCs, cloud computing has the advantage of enabling higher utilization, thus improving energy efficiency. Nevertheless, the carbon footprint of cloud infrastructures is often higher than that of locally operated IT infrastructures. One reason for this is that cloud computing infrastructures are often globally distributed and can therefore incur higher energy costs for transmitting data over the Internet.

Overall, the carbon footprint of cloud computing platforms is a complex issue that is influenced by various factors. To reduce the environmental impact of cloud computing, companies must strive to make their cloud infrastructures more energy efficient. And to switch to renewable energy wherever possible.

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Cloud computing and the carbon footprint of the ICT industry

In recent years, the ICT industry has come under increased criticism: The Shift Project’s Lean ICT report shows that the ICT sector’s carbon footprint has increased from 2.5% to 3.7% of global emissions, surpassing that of aviation (2.4%).

It is important to note that the ICT sector must be considered as a whole to understand the overall carbon footprint of the industry. While emissions from data centers and network operations account for a significant portion, other factors must also be considered. These include, for example, emissions from the production of hardware such as servers and switches. As well as emissions from the production of end devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops.

To reduce the ICT industry’s carbon footprint, all of these factors must be addressed. Companies can contribute to this by optimizing their hardware production and focusing on energy-efficient devices. They should also convert their data centers and networks to renewable energy sources and use energy-efficient cooling technologies. Improving the energy efficiency of end devices through effective power-saving modes, for example, can also make a contribution.

The 5 most popular green cloud computing platforms

The top five cloud computing platforms in sustainability are Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, IBM Cloud and Oracle Cloud. These solutions are among the most well-known and are used by companies worldwide. Below we will introduce each of these solutions alphabetically.

Cloud Computing Platform #1: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most well-known cloud computing platforms in the world. AWS offers an extensive range of services and applications for businesses and organizations. These include storage, data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

In terms of sustainability, AWS has set a goal to be carbon neutral by 2040 and to use 100% renewable energy by 2030. AWS has already made great strides and is currently the largest consumer of renewable energy in the world. Amazon also operates several wind and solar plants and invests in projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Further, AWS offers tools and services to help companies achieve their own sustainability goals. For example, companies can use AWS to measure and manage application energy consumption to reduce their carbon footprint. In addition, enterprises can use AWS to monitor and reduce their environmental impact in real time.

Cloud Computing Platform #2: Google Cloud Plattform (GCP)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is another popular cloud computing platform. GCP offers a wide range of services and features for businesses, including computing, storage, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Google has also set ambitious sustainability goals. The company has been carbon neutral since 2007 and has now set a goal to be completely CO2 free by 2030. Google also invests in renewable energy and is currently the largest signatory of renewable energy purchase agreements in the world.

GCP also offers tools and features to help companies achieve their own sustainability goals. One example is the “Sustainability Calculator,” which allows companies to measure the carbon footprint of their applications on the GCP platform. GCP also provides real-time monitoring capabilities to monitor and optimize application energy consumption.

In addition, Google has launched a number of initiatives to promote sustainability and environmental protection. One example is the “Google Earth Engine.” It helps companies and organizations track and understand environmental changes and impacts on ecosystems.

Cloud Computing Platform #3: IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud is a cloud computing platform developed by IBM that offers a wide range of services and applications. IBM Cloud is known for its high security and powerful infrastructure that helps companies develop and run complex applications.

In terms of sustainability, IBM Cloud has taken a pioneering role in the industry. IBM has set a goal to reduce its net CO2 emissions to zero by 2030. To achieve this goal, IBM Cloud relies on renewable energy and continuously improves the energy efficiency of its data centers. IBM Cloud sources its energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar power and invests in projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

IBM Cloud also offers several tools and services to help companies achieve their own sustainability goals. For example, IBM Cloud offers the Carbon Footprint Dashboard, which helps companies measure and manage their carbon emissions. By analyzing the energy consumption of applications, companies can improve energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint.

Cloud Computing Platform #4: Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides businesses with a wide range of services and capabilities for computing, storage, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. Azure is one of the leading cloud computing platforms and is used by companies around the world.

Microsoft has also set ambitious sustainability goals. The company has set a goal to be CO2 negative by 2030. And by 2050, to offset all emissions it has caused since its founding in 1975. Microsoft has also announced plans to use 100% renewable energy for all of its data centers, offices and labs by 2025.

Azure also offers tools and features to help companies meet their own sustainability goals. One example is the “Azure Sustainability Calculator,” which allows companies to measure the carbon footprint of their applications on the Azure platform. Azure also offers tools to monitor energy consumption and optimize the energy efficiency of applications.

Microsoft has also launched a number of initiatives to promote sustainability and conservation. One example is the AI for Earth program, which aims to apply artificial intelligence to environmental issues such as climate change, land use and biodiversity.

Cloud Computing Platform #5: Oracle Cloud

Oracle Cloud is a comprehensive cloud computing platform that provides enterprises with a wide range of services and capabilities for computing, storage, and data management. Oracle Cloud is used by businesses around the world and is known for its powerful and scalable capabilities.

AUch Oracle has a strong commitment to sustainability. The company has set a goal to use 100% renewable energy by 2025 and be carbon neutral by 2035. Oracle has also announced plans to plant more than 10 million trees by 2025. In addition, the company has partnered with the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative to achieve this goal.

Oracle Cloud also offers a number of tools and features to help companies achieve their own sustainability goals. One example is the “Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Emissions Tracking” service. This allows the company to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of their applications. Oracle Cloud also offers features to monitor energy consumption and optimize the energy efficiency of applications.

In addition to these sustainability initiatives, Oracle is also committed to social responsibility. It has launched a number of programs to promote education and development. One example is the “Oracle Academy” program, which aims to promote IT knowledge and skills among schoolchildren and students.


In summary, choosing a sustainable cloud computing platform can make a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud offer various sustainability initiatives and are working to reduce their carbon footprints.

The IT industry has an important role to play in addressing the climate crisis and should consider the importance of sustainability in its decision-making. The use of cloud solutions can help reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Especially through the use of renewable energy.

In the future, sustainability is expected to play an even greater role in the decision to use cloud computing platforms. There are already efforts to establish standards for sustainability in the IT industry. Companies should continue to follow the sustainability initiatives of cloud providers and choose those that best match their values and goals.