Blog: Sustainable Software Development

Eine Person sitzt vor einem Brettspiel (Gamification).
The potential of gamification to promote sustainable behaviour is immense. By integrating game elements into software applications, users can be motivated to make environmentally friendly decisions, save energy, act socially responsible or use sustainable products.
Eine durchsichtige Kugel in der Natur, die Kreislaufwirtschaft in der IT-Branche repräsentieren soll.
Circular IT: How can we apply the concept of circular economy in the IT industry and reduce […]
Bürotisch mit Kaffeetassen und -kannen in einem Softwareunternehmen.
Coffee is the fuel in the software industry. Many software companies drink a lot of coffee - often even in disposable cups that are discarded after only a short use. But while we're worrying about the next update, improving the code or developing new features, we often forget that our coffee machines can also have an impact on the environment.
Ein User mit einer VR-Brille im Wald.
Virtual and augmented reality have experienced an enormous upswing in recent years and are finding more and more areas of application in various industries. They make it possible to integrate digital information and virtual worlds into the real world, thereby creating new opportunities.
Sustainability and circular economy are becoming increasingly important. Blockchain technology offers a promising potential solution here, as it enables transparency, efficiency and traceability.
A photograph that symbolizes ewaste (a lot of electronical rubbish thrown together).
Software companies have an important impact on the manufacturing and lifecycle of electrical equipment. They can help reduce the amount of e-waste by being environmentally conscious and adapting their business practices. Here are some steps software companies can take.