Blog: Sustainable Software Development

An overview of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) – What (IT and software) companies need to […]
Software practitioner in front of a computer studying best practices for sustainability.
In this article, we present 21 such best practices. They can be applied by software practitioners and software companies to promote sustainable software development. From code optimization to the use of sustainable technologies, we will present different approaches to improve sustainability in software development.
A smartphone with a green recycling symbol on the display.
From reducing CO2 emissions through green coding to designing accessible websites and different pricing models for different user groups, there are numerous approaches to acting more sustainably. But what are the advantages of sustainable software development? Why should software companies commit to sustainability?
A picture of a village with houses and a forest in the background. It symbolizes partizipation.
Participatory software development has the potential to promote sustainability in social, environmental and economic aspects by taking into account the needs and concerns of different interest groups (stakeholders) and developing joint solutions to complex challenges.
Photo of a wooden suspension bridge that symbolizes the sustainability of the iteration steps of agile software development.
Agile software development is a methodology that aims to increase flexibility and adaptability in software development. Unlike the traditional waterfall method, where each step of the development is completed one by one, agile software development uses iterative processes to achieve faster and more effective results.
Money in a glass with a green plant on it.
Sustainable businesses lead to cost savings, higher customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage. At the end of the day, it's a win-win situation. This is reinforced by the fact that more and more public funding in the area of sustainability is made available to (software) companies.