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Design with empathy: How Inclusive UX benefits your customers

The familiar concepts of Usability (UI) and User Experience (UX) focus on designing digital products and services in such a way that they are easy and intuitive to use while offering users a positive experience. This is primarily about improving and optimizing design and interaction features. Inclusive UX goes beyond this. It aims to design digital products in such a way that they are accessible and usable for all users. Regardless of their individual skills, cultural backgrounds, and technological knowledge. By incorporating social, cultural, and ethical aspects, Inclusive UX ensures that software is equally useful and accessible to all users. Inclusive UX requires a more comprehensive and holistic approach to software design.

An overview of the different areas of Inclusive UX for software companies

Conduct user research to better understand the needs and requirements of users and ensure that the design meets their needs.

Consider accessibility standards to ensure that digital products are accessible and usable for all users, regardless of their individual abilities or impairments.

Consider the diversity of users, especially in terms of cultural differences and linguistic diversity.
Inclusion: Ensure that all users are included and considered by involving diverse teams and ensuring that all user groups are represented in development.

Conduct regular usability testing to ensure that the design is effective, user-friendly, and meets the needs of users.

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These are the advantages for software companies when they rely on an inclusive UX

Increased customer satisfaction: When an application is designed for an inclusive user experience, users of all groups feel addressed and well served. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction.

Larger target group: If an application is designed for an inclusive user experience, user groups can be reached that might not otherwise be addressed. This expands the target audience and market potential.
Improved brand perception: when software companies implement inclusive UX designs, they signal their commitment to diversity and inclusion. This can lead to positive brand perception and competitive advantage.

Better compliance with accessibility guidelines: When an application is designed for an inclusive user experience, it typically meets accessibility requirements. This prevents violations of relevant guidelines and thus reduces the risk of lawsuits.

Innovation advantage: An inclusive UX requires a deep understanding of user needs. If software companies align their applications with an inclusive user experience, they can increase the potential for innovation and the development of new markets.

Classic software examples of inclusive UX

The online marketplace for accommodations Airbnb has set itself the goal of creating an inclusive platform. To this end, Airbnb has introduced guidelines for accessible accommodations and offers a function that allows users to search for accommodations with barrier-free access.

Apple has integrated numerous accessible features into its products, such as VoiceOver, which enables blind and visually impaired people to operate iOS and macOS devices.

The language learning app Duolingo avoids stereotypical representations and tries to promote cultural sensitivity in its content. This includes using names that are common in different cultures and avoiding stereotypical representations.

Google is committed to inclusive language and has. For example, the companys has removed gender-based forms of address in Google Docs and other tools.

Microsoft works for ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to use the digital world. The company has built extensive accessibility features into its products, including text size, contrast, and subtitles.

Conclusion: Inclusive UX belongs to a sustainable software company

Educate yourself in inclusive UX to ensure to have the necessary skills to implement an inclusive UX design strategy. Inclusive UX is an important part of social sustainability and helps ensure that digital products are accessible and usable for all users. This topic is covered in both theory and practice in our eLearning, which we recommend to you. Click here, if you want to be informed when we launch!